Levelling up your LinkedIn: A Guide for Professionals


mar 21, 2024

LinkedIn has become a professional powerhouse, boasting over 1 billion members and facilitating eight hires every minute! Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a recent graduate, the platform provides a host of opportunities to connect, learn, and establish yourself as a thought leader.

In conjunction with Techspace, CEW Communications hosted an event featuring a presentation from Yessi Bello Perez, LinkedIn News's Community and Editorial Segments Lead (UK and Europe), and a follow-up panel discussion with Hambro Perks Associate Sam Marchant and Dream Factory Founder Graham Hussey.

Let’s dive into our key takeaways and help you level up your LinkedIn.

Optimizing Your Profile for Success

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital resume, so make it shine!

  • Complete the Picture: Ensure you have a professional and up-to-date profile photo.

  • Location, Location, Location: Update your location to increase searchability by up to 23 times!

  • Craft a Compelling Summary: Write a clear and concise summary highlighting your experience and value proposition.

  • Showcase Your Skills: Don't just list skills - get endorsed and endorse others to build credibility.

  • Become a Content Curator: Share valuable content (articles, videos) beyond your own to demonstrate your well-roundedness.

The Art of Content Creation

So you've optimized your profile; now it's time to create engaging content.

  • Hook 'Em Early: Grab attention with a strong opening line, a surprising stat, or a thought-provoking question.

  • Offer Value: Focus on providing actionable insights or takeaways for your audience. What can they learn from your post?

  • Spark Conversation: End your post with a call to action that encourages engagement. Ask a question, invite discussion, or share a poll.

  • Keep it Snackable: People are busy! Aim for concise, easy-to-read posts with visuals to break up the text.

  • Embrace Authenticity: Share your story, your experiences, and even your vulnerabilities. People connect with real people.

Beyond Likes: Getting Featured by LinkedIn Editors

If you want your content to reach a wider audience, here's how to catch the eye of LinkedIn editors:

  • Tap into Trends: Stay updated on industry news and discussions. Can you offer a unique perspective on a trending topic?

  • Humanize Your Content: Facts and figures are important but don't forget to tell a story. Use anecdotes, case studies, or personal experiences to make your content relatable.

  • Visual Appeal Matters: People are drawn to visually compelling content. Include high-quality images, infographics, or videos to break up the text and grab attention.

The Power of Employee Advocacy

Encouraging employees to be brand ambassadors can significantly boost your brand visibility. Here are some ways to promote employee advocacy:

  • Provide Content Toolkits: Equip your team with pre-written posts, templates, and industry insights they can share on their profiles.

  • Recognize and Reward: Acknowledge employees who actively promote your company and industry thought leadership.

  • Lead by Example: Company leaders should be active on LinkedIn, setting the tone for employee engagement.

Join the Conversation: Panel Discussion Insights

The panel discussion offered valuable insights for anyone looking to leverage LinkedIn's potential:

  • Posting Doesn't Have to Be Strategic: There's no one-size-fits-all approach. Share your experiences, both positive and negative. Authenticity resonates.

  • Show Vulnerability: It's okay not to have all the answers. Sharing your challenges can foster genuine connections.

  • Don't Overshare: While some industries encourage a more personal touch, use your judgment and consider the platform's culture.

  • Focus on Value, Not Engagement: Don't chase likes. Create content that resonates and provides value to your audience.

While this is by no means an exhaustive list, following these tips and insights can transform your LinkedIn profile from a static profile to a dynamic professional growth and connection platform. 

Remember, LinkedIn is a community, so actively engage with others, participate in discussions, and build meaningful relationships. 


Dan Taylor joins CEW Communications as director of content